Title: | Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Linear Models with Historical Data |
Description: | User-friendly functions for leveraging (multiple) historical data set(s) for generalized linear models. The package contains functions for sampling from the posterior distribution of a generalized linear model using the prior induced by the Bayesian hierarchical model, power prior by Ibrahim and Chen (2000) <doi:10.1214/ss/1009212673>, normalized power prior by Duan et al. (2006) <doi:10.1002/env.752>, normalized asymptotic power prior by Ibrahim et al. (2015) <doi:10.1002/sim.6728>, commensurate prior by Hobbs et al. (2011) <doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01564.x>, robust meta-analytic-predictive prior by Schmidli et al. (2014) <doi:10.1111/biom.12242>, the latent exchangeability prior by Alt et al. (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.05223>, and a normal (or half-normal) prior. Functions for computing the marginal log-likelihood under each of the implemented priors are also included. The package compiles all the 'CmdStan' models once during installation using the 'instantiate' package. |
Authors: | Ethan M. Alt [aut, cre, cph] |
Maintainer: | Ethan M. Alt <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-03-10 18:40:44 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/ethan-alt/hdbayes |
A data set from the AIDS clinical trial ACTG019 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00000736) comparing zidovudine (AZT) with a placebo in adults with asymptomatic HIV infection. The study results were described in Volberding et al. (1990) doi:10.1056/NEJM199004053221401.
A data frame with 822 rows and 5 variables:
outcome variable with 1 indicating death, development of AIDS or AIDS-related complex (ARC) and 0 otherwise
patient age in years
treatment indicator, 0 = placebo, 1 = AZT
race indicator, 0 = non-white, 1 = white
CD4 cell count
Volberding, P. A., Lagakos, S. W., Koch, M. A., Pettinelli, C., Myers, M. W., Booth, D. K., Balfour, H. H., Reichman, R. C., Bartlett, J. A., Hirsch, M. S., Murphy, R. L., Hardy, W. D., Soeiro, R., Fischl, M. A., Bartlett, J. G., Merigan, T. C., Hyslop, N. E., Richman, D. D., Valentine, F. T., Corey, L., and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (1990). Zidovudine in asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection. New England Journal of Medicine, 322(14), 941–949.
Chen, M.-H., Ibrahim, J. G., and Yiannoutsos, C. (1999). Prior elicitation, Variable Selection and Bayesian computation for Logistic Regression Models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 61(1), 223–242.
A data set from the AIDS clinical trial ACTG036 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT00001104) comparing zidovudine (AZT) with a placebo in patients with hereditary coagulation disorders and HIV infection. The study results were described in Merigan et al. (1991) doi:10.1182/blood.V78.4.900.900. This data set has the same variables as the actg019 data set. We can use the actg019 data as the historical data and the actg036 data as the current data.
A data frame with 183 rows and 5 variables:
outcome variable with 1 indicating death, development of AIDS or AIDS-related complex (ARC) and 0 otherwise
patient age in years
treatment indicator, 0 = placebo, 1 = AZT
race indicator, 0 = non-white, 1 = white
CD4 cell count
Merigan, T., Amato, D., Balsley, J., Power, M., Price, W., Benoit, S., Perez-Michael, A., Brownstein, A., Kramer, A., and Brettler, D. (1991). Placebo-controlled trial to evaluate zidovudine in treatment of human immunodeficiency virus infection in asymptomatic patients with hemophilia. NHF-ACTG 036 Study Group. Blood, 78(4), 900–906.
Chen, M.-H., Ibrahim, J. G., and Yiannoutsos, C. (1999). Prior elicitation, Variable Selection and Bayesian computation for Logistic Regression Models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 61(1), 223–242.
Sample from the posterior distribution of an accelerated failure time (AFT) model using the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM).
aft.bhm( formula, data.list, dist = "weibull", meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.bhm( formula, data.list, dist = "weibull", meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
dist |
a character indicating the distribution of survival times. Currently, |
meta.mean.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the means for the normal hyperpriors on the mean hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, |
meta.mean.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sds for the normal hyperpriors on the mean hyperparameters of regression coefficients. If
a scalar is provided, same as for |
meta.sd.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the means for the half-normal hyperpriors on the sd hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
meta.sd.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sds for the half-normal hyperpriors on the sd hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
scale.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameters of current and historical data models. Defaults to 0. |
scale.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameters of current and historical data models. Defaults to 10. |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) assumes that the regression coefficients for the historical and current data are different, but are correlated through a common distribution, whose hyperparameters (i.e., mean and standard deviation (sd) (the covariance matrix is assumed to have a diagonal structure)) are treated as random. The number of regression coefficients for the current data is assumed to be the same as that for the historical data.
The hyperpriors on the mean and the sd hyperparameters are independent normal and independent half-normal distributions, respectively. The scale parameters for both current and historical data models are assumed to be independent and identically distributed, each assigned a half-normal prior.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) aft.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) aft.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of an accelerated failure time (AFT) model using the commensurate prior (CP) by Hobbs et al. (2011) doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01564.x.
aft.commensurate( formula, data.list, dist = "weibull", beta0.mean = NULL, beta0.sd = NULL, p.spike = 0.1, spike.mean = 200, spike.sd = 0.1, slab.mean = 0, slab.sd = 5, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.commensurate( formula, data.list, dist = "weibull", beta0.mean = NULL, beta0.sd = NULL, p.spike = 0.1, spike.mean = 200, spike.sd = 0.1, slab.mean = 0, slab.sd = 5, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
dist |
a character indicating the distribution of survival times. Currently, |
beta0.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients
giving the mean parameters for the prior on the historical data regression coefficients. If a
scalar is provided, |
beta0.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the prior on the historical data regression coefficients. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
p.spike |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the probability of the spike component in spike-and-slab prior
on commensurability parameter |
spike.mean |
a scalar giving the location parameter for the half-normal prior (spike component) on |
spike.sd |
a scalar giving the scale parameter for the half-normal prior (spike component) on |
slab.mean |
a scalar giving the location parameter for the half-normal prior (slab component) on |
slab.sd |
a scalar giving the scale parameter for the half-normal prior (slab component) on |
scale.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameters of current and historical data models. Defaults to 0. |
scale.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameters of current and historical data models. Defaults to 10. |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The commensurate prior (CP) assumes that the regression coefficients for the current data model conditional on those
for the historical data model are independent normal distributions with mean equal to the corresponding regression
coefficients for the historical data and variance equal to the inverse of the corresponding elements of a vector of
precision parameters (referred to as the commensurability parameter ). We regard
as random and elicit
a spike-and-slab prior, which is specified as a mixture of two half-normal priors, on
The number of current data regression coefficients is assumed to be the same as that of historical data regression coefficients. The scale parameters for both current and historical data models are assumed to be independent and identically distributed, each assigned a half-normal prior.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Hobbs, B. P., Carlin, B. P., Mandrekar, S. J., and Sargent, D. J. (2011). Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials. Biometrics, 67(3), 1047–1056.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) aft.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) aft.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of an accelerated failure time (AFT) model using the latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) by Alt et al. (2024) doi:10.1093/biomtc/ujae083.
aft.leap( formula, data.list, dist = "weibull", K = 2, prob.conc = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, gamma.lower = 0, gamma.upper = 1, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.leap( formula, data.list, dist = "weibull", K = 2, prob.conc = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, gamma.lower = 0, gamma.upper = 1, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
dist |
a character indicating the distribution of survival times. Currently, |
K |
the desired number of classes to identify. Defaults to 2. |
prob.conc |
a scalar or a vector of length |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
scale.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameters for each class. Defaults to 0. |
scale.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameters for each class. Defaults to 10. |
gamma.lower |
a scalar giving the lower bound for probability of subjects in historical data being exchangeable with subjects in current data. Defaults to 0. |
gamma.upper |
a scalar giving the upper bound for probability of subjects in historical data being exchangeable with subjects in current data. Defaults to 1. |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) discounts the historical data by identifying the most relevant individuals from the historical data. It is equivalent to a prior induced by the posterior of a finite mixture model for the historical data set.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Alt, E. M., Chang, X., Jiang, X., Liu, Q., Mo, M., Xia, H. M., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). LEAP: The latent exchangeability prior for borrowing information from historical data. Biometrics, 80(3).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) aft.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) aft.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of an AFT model under the commensurate prior (CP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the commensurate prior. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the commensurate prior using historical data sets.
aft.logml.commensurate( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.logml.commensurate( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the commensurate prior (CP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the CP using historical
data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Hobbs, B. P., Carlin, B. P., Mandrekar, S. J., and Sargent, D. J. (2011). Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials. Biometrics, 67(3), 1047–1056.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) d.cp = aft.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.commensurate( post.samples = d.cp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) d.cp = aft.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.commensurate( post.samples = d.cp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of an AFT model under the latent exchangeability prior (LEAP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the LEAP. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the LEAP using historical data sets.
aft.logml.leap( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.logml.leap( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the
latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the
LEAP using historical data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Alt, E. M., Chang, X., Jiang, X., Liu, Q., Mo, M., Xia, H. M., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). LEAP: The latent exchangeability prior for borrowing information from historical data. Biometrics, 80(3).
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) d.leap = aft.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", K= 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.leap( post.samples = d.leap, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) d.leap = aft.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", K= 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.leap( post.samples = d.leap, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of an AFT model under the meta-analytic predictive (MAP) prior. The MAP prior is equivalent to the prior induced by the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the MAP prior. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the MAP prior using only historical data set.
aft.logml.map( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.logml.map( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the BHM using historical
data set
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) d.bhm = aft.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.map( post.samples = d.bhm, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) d.bhm = aft.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.map( post.samples = d.bhm, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of an AFT model under the normalized power prior (NPP).
aft.logml.npp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
aft.logml.npp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the normalized power prior (NPP)
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::aft.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], a0 = a0, dist = "weibull", ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior d.npp = aft.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) aft.logml.npp( post.samples = d.npp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::aft.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], a0 = a0, dist = "weibull", ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior d.npp = aft.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) aft.logml.npp( post.samples = d.npp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of an AFT model under the normal/half-normal prior.
aft.logml.post(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
aft.logml.post(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the AFT model under the normal/half-normal prior
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) d.post = aft.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", beta.sd = 10, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.post( post.samples = d.post, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) d.post = aft.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", beta.sd = 10, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.post( post.samples = d.post, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of an AFT model under the power prior (PP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the power prior (PP). These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the PP using only historical data set.
aft.logml.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.logml.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
If the power prior parameter () is equal to zero, then the function will return the same result as the output
If the power prior parameters () is non-zero, the function will return a
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the power prior (PP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the PP using historical
data set
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Chen, M.-H. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2000). Power prior distributions for Regression Models. Statistical Science, 15(1).
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) d.pp = aft.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, a0 = 0.5, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.pp( post.samples = d.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) d.pp = aft.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, a0 = 0.5, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.pp( post.samples = d.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of an AFT model under the stratified power prior (PP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the stratified power prior (PP). These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified PP using only historical data sets.
aft.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
"Stratified PP"
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified power prior (PP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified PP using
historical data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Wang, C., Li, H., Chen, W.-C., Lu, N., Tiwari, R., Xu, Y., & Yue, L. Q. (2019). Propensity score-integrated power prior approach for incorporating real-world evidence in single-arm clinical studies. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(5), 731–748.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub d.stratified.pp = aft.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples = d.stratified.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub d.stratified.pp = aft.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) aft.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples = d.stratified.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of an accelerated failure time (AFT) model using the normalized power prior (NPP) by Duan et al. (2006) doi:10.1002/env.752.
aft.npp( formula, data.list, a0.lognc, lognc, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = 0, a0.upper = 1, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.npp( formula, data.list, a0.lognc, lognc, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = 0, a0.upper = 1, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
a0.lognc |
a vector giving values of the power prior parameter for which the logarithm of the normalizing constant has been evaluated. |
lognc |
a vector giving the logarithm of the normalizing constant (as estimated by |
dist |
a character indicating the distribution of survival times. Currently, |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
scale.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 0. |
scale.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 10. |
a0.shape1 |
first shape parameter for the beta prior on the power prior parameter ( |
a0.shape2 |
second shape parameter for the beta prior on the power prior parameter ( |
a0.lower |
a scalar giving the lower bound for |
a0.upper |
a scalar giving the upper bound for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
Before using this function, users must estimate the logarithm of the normalizing constant across a
range of different values for the power prior parameter (), possibly smoothing techniques
over a find grid. The power prior parameters (
's) are treated as random with independent
beta priors. The initial priors on the regression coefficients are independent normal priors. The
current and historical data models are assumed to have a common scale parameter with a half-normal
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::aft.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], a0 = a0, dist = "weibull", ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior aft.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) } }
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::aft.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], a0 = a0, dist = "weibull", ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior aft.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the normalizing
constant of an accelerated failure time (AFT) model under the NPP for a fixed value of the power prior
parameter for one data set. The initial priors are independent normal priors on the
regression coefficients and a half-normal prior on the scale parameter.
aft.npp.lognc( formula, histdata, a0, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.npp.lognc( formula, histdata, a0, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
histdata |
a |
a0 |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the (fixed) power prior parameter for the historical data. |
dist |
a character indicating the distribution of survival times. Currently, |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
scale.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 0. |
scale.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 10. |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a vector giving the value of a0, the estimated logarithm of the normalizing constant, the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling, and the maximum Rhat.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) aft.npp.lognc( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, histdata = E1684, a0 = 0.5, dist = "weibull", bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) aft.npp.lognc( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, histdata = E1684, a0 = 0.5, dist = "weibull", bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of an accelerated failure time (AFT) model using a normal/half-normal prior.
aft.post( formula, data.list, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.post( formula, data.list, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list consisting of one |
dist |
a character indicating the distribution of survival times. Currently, |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
scale.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 0. |
scale.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 10. |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The priors on the regression coefficients are independent normal distributions. When the normal priors are elicited with large variances, the prior is also referred to as the reference or vague prior. The scale parameter is assumed to be independent of the regression coefficients with a half-normal prior.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) aft.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", beta.sd = 10, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) aft.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, dist = "weibull", beta.sd = 10, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of an accelerated failure time (AFT) model using the power prior (PP) by Ibrahim and Chen (2000) doi:10.1214/ss/1009212673.
aft.pp( formula, data.list, a0, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.pp( formula, data.list, a0, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
a0 |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the (fixed) power prior parameter for the historical data. |
dist |
a character indicating the distribution of survival times. Currently, |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
scale.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 0. |
scale.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 10. |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The power prior parameters ('s) are treated as fixed. The initial priors on the regression coefficients
are independent normal priors. The current and historical data models are assumed to have a common scale parameter
with a half-normal prior.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Chen, M.-H. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2000). Power prior distributions for Regression Models. Statistical Science, 15(1).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) aft.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, a0 = 0.5, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) aft.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, a0 = 0.5, dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of an accelerated failure time (AFT) model using the power prior (PP) within
predefined strata. If the strata and power prior parameters ('s) are determined based on propensity scores,
this function can be used to sample from the posterior of an AFT model under the propensity score-integrated power
prior (PSIPP) by Wang et al. (2019) doi:10.1080/10543406.2019.1657133.
aft.stratified.pp( formula, data.list, strata.list, a0.strata, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
aft.stratified.pp( formula, data.list, strata.list, a0.strata, dist = "weibull", beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, scale.mean = NULL, scale.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
strata.list |
a list of vectors specifying the stratum ID for each observation in the corresponding data set
in |
a0.strata |
A scalar or a vector of fixed power prior parameters ( |
dist |
a character indicating the distribution of survival times. Currently, |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
scale.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 0. |
scale.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on the scale parameter of the AFT model. Defaults to 10. |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The power prior parameters ('s) are treated as fixed and must be provided for each stratum. Users must
also specify the stratum ID for each observation. Within each stratum, the initial priors on the regression
coefficients are independent normal priors, and the current and historical data models are assumed to have a common
scale parameter with a half-normal prior.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Wang, C., Li, H., Chen, W.-C., Lu, N., Tiwari, R., Xu, Y., & Yue, L. Q. (2019). Propensity score-integrated power prior approach for incorporating real-world evidence in single-arm clinical studies. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(5), 731–748.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub aft.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub aft.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), dist = "weibull", chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a standard cure rate model (referred to as the CurePWE model)
using the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM). The CurePWE model assumes that a fraction of the
population is "cured", while the remaining
are susceptible to the event of interest. The
survival function for the entire population is given by:
where represents the survival function of the non-cured individuals. We model
using a
piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard).
Covariates are incorporated through the PWE model.
curepwe.bhm( formula, data.list, breaks, meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.bhm( formula, data.list, breaks, meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates in
the PWE model. The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
meta.mean.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the means for the normal hyperpriors on the mean hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, |
meta.mean.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sds for the normal hyperpriors on the mean hyperparameters of regression coefficients. If
a scalar is provided, same as for |
meta.sd.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the means for the half-normal hyperpriors on the sd hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
meta.sd.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sds for the half-normal hyperpriors on the sd hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
logit.pcured.mean |
mean parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
logit.pcured.sd |
sd parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) assumes that the regression coefficients in the PWE models for the historical and current data are different, but are correlated through a common distribution, whose hyperparameters (i.e., mean and standard deviation (sd) (the covariance matrix is assumed to have a diagonal structure)) are treated as random. The number of regression coefficients for the current data is assumed to be the same as that for the historical data.
The hyperpriors on the mean and the sd hyperparameters are independent normal and independent half-normal distributions, respectively. The baseline hazard parameters for both current and historical data models are assumed to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), each assigned a half-normal prior. Similarly, the cure fractions for both models are treated as i.i.d., with a normal prior specified on the logit of the cure fraction.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a standard cure rate model (referred to as the CurePWE model)
using the commensurate prior (CP) by Hobbs et al. (2011) doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01564.x. The CurePWE model
assumes that a fraction of the population is "cured", while the remaining
are susceptible
to the event of interest. The survival function for the entire population is given by:
where represents the survival function of the non-cured individuals. We model
using a
piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard).
Covariates are incorporated through the PWE model.
curepwe.commensurate( formula, data.list, breaks, beta0.mean = NULL, beta0.sd = NULL, p.spike = 0.1, spike.mean = 200, spike.sd = 0.1, slab.mean = 0, slab.sd = 5, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.commensurate( formula, data.list, breaks, beta0.mean = NULL, beta0.sd = NULL, p.spike = 0.1, spike.mean = 200, spike.sd = 0.1, slab.mean = 0, slab.sd = 5, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates in
the PWE model. The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
beta0.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients
giving the mean parameters for the prior on the historical data regression coefficients. If a
scalar is provided, |
beta0.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the prior on the historical data regression coefficients. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
p.spike |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the probability of the spike component in spike-and-slab prior
on commensurability parameter |
spike.mean |
a scalar giving the location parameter for the half-normal prior (spike component) on |
spike.sd |
a scalar giving the scale parameter for the half-normal prior (spike component) on |
slab.mean |
a scalar giving the location parameter for the half-normal prior (slab component) on |
slab.sd |
a scalar giving the scale parameter for the half-normal prior (slab component) on |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
logit.pcured.mean |
mean parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
logit.pcured.sd |
sd parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The commensurate prior (CP) assumes that the regression coefficients for the current data model conditional on those
for the historical data model are independent normal distributions with mean equal to the corresponding regression
coefficients for the historical data and variance equal to the inverse of the corresponding elements of a vector of
precision parameters (referred to as the commensurability parameter ). We regard
as random and elicit
a spike-and-slab prior, which is specified as a mixture of two half-normal priors, on
The number of current data regression coefficients is assumed to be the same as that of historical data regression coefficients. The baseline hazard parameters for both current and historical data models are assumed to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), each assigned a half-normal prior. Similarly, the cure fractions for both models are treated as i.i.d., with a normal prior specified on the logit of the cure fraction.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Hobbs, B. P., Carlin, B. P., Mandrekar, S. J., and Sargent, D. J. (2011). Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials. Biometrics, 67(3), 1047–1056.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, p.spike = 0.1, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, p.spike = 0.1, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a standard cure rate model (referred to as the CurePWE model)
using the latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) by Alt et al. (2024) doi:10.1093/biomtc/ujae083. The CurePWE model
assumes that a fraction of the population is "cured", while the remaining
are susceptible
to the event of interest. The survival function for the entire population is given by:
where represents the survival function of the non-cured individuals. We model
using a
piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard).
Covariates are incorporated through the PWE model.
curepwe.leap( formula, data.list, breaks, K = 2, prob.conc = NULL, gamma.lower = 0, gamma.upper = 1, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.leap( formula, data.list, breaks, K = 2, prob.conc = NULL, gamma.lower = 0, gamma.upper = 1, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates in
the PWE model. The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
K |
the desired number of classes to identify. Defaults to 2. |
prob.conc |
a scalar or a vector of length |
gamma.lower |
a scalar giving the lower bound for probability of subjects in historical data being exchangeable with subjects in current data. Defaults to 0. |
gamma.upper |
a scalar giving the upper bound for probability of subjects in historical data being exchangeable with subjects in current data. Defaults to 1. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
logit.pcured.mean |
mean parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
logit.pcured.sd |
sd parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) discounts the historical data by identifying the most relevant individuals from the historical data. It is equivalent to a prior induced by the posterior of a finite mixture model for the historical data set.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Alt, E. M., Chang, X., Jiang, X., Liu, Q., Mo, M., Xia, H. M., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). LEAP: The latent exchangeability prior for borrowing information from historical data. Biometrics, 80(3).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, K = 2, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, K = 2, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a CurePWE model under the commensurate prior (CP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the commensurate prior. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the commensurate prior using historical data sets.
curepwe.logml.commensurate( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.logml.commensurate( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the commensurate prior (CP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the CP using historical
data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Hobbs, B. P., Carlin, B. P., Mandrekar, S. J., and Sargent, D. J. (2011). Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials. Biometrics, 67(3), 1047–1056.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.cp = curepwe.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.commensurate( post.samples = d.cp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.cp = curepwe.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.commensurate( post.samples = d.cp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a CurePWE model under the latent exchangeability prior (LEAP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the LEAP. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the LEAP using historical data sets.
curepwe.logml.leap( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.logml.leap( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the
latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the
LEAP using historical data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Alt, E. M., Chang, X., Jiang, X., Liu, Q., Mo, M., Xia, H. M., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). LEAP: The latent exchangeability prior for borrowing information from historical data. Biometrics, 80(3).
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.leap = curepwe.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.leap( post.samples = d.leap, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.leap = curepwe.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.leap( post.samples = d.leap, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a CurePWE model under the meta-analytic predictive (MAP) prior. The MAP prior is equivalent to the prior induced by the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the MAP prior. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the MAP prior using only historical data set.
curepwe.logml.map( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.logml.map( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the BHM using historical
data set
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.bhm = curepwe.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.map( post.samples = d.bhm, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.bhm = curepwe.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.map( post.samples = d.bhm, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a PWE model under the normalized power prior (NPP).
curepwe.logml.npp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
curepwe.logml.npp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the normalized power prior (NPP)
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::curepwe.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], breaks = breaks, a0 = a0, ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list', 'breaks')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior d.npp = curepwe.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) curepwe.logml.npp( post.samples = d.npp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::curepwe.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], breaks = breaks, a0 = a0, ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list', 'breaks')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior d.npp = curepwe.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) curepwe.logml.npp( post.samples = d.npp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a CurePWE model under the normal/half-normal prior.
curepwe.logml.post(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
curepwe.logml.post(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the CurePWE model under the normal/half-normal prior
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.post = curepwe.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.post( post.samples = d.post, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.post = curepwe.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.post( post.samples = d.post, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a CurePWE model under the power prior (PP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the power prior (PP). These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the PP using only historical data set.
curepwe.logml.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.logml.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
If the power prior parameter () is equal to zero, then the function will return the same result as the output
If the power prior parameters () is non-zero, the function will return a
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the power prior (PP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the PP using historical
data set
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Chen, M.-H. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2000). Power prior distributions for Regression Models. Statistical Science, 15(1).
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.pp = curepwe.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.pp( post.samples = d.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.pp = curepwe.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.pp( post.samples = d.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a CurePWE model under the stratified power prior (PP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the stratified power prior (PP). These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified PP using only historical data sets.
curepwe.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
"Stratified PP"
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified power prior (PP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified PP using
historical data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Wang, C., Li, H., Chen, W.-C., Lu, N., Tiwari, R., Xu, Y., & Yue, L. Q. (2019). Propensity score-integrated power prior approach for incorporating real-world evidence in single-arm clinical studies. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(5), 731–748.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.stratified.pp = curepwe.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, breaks = breaks, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples = d.stratified.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.stratified.pp = curepwe.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, breaks = breaks, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) curepwe.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples = d.stratified.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a standard cure rate model (referred to as the CurePWE model)
using the normalized power prior (NPP) by Duan et al. (2006) doi:10.1002/env.752. The CurePWE model assumes
that a fraction of the population is "cured", while the remaining
are susceptible to
the event of interest. The survival function for the entire population is given by:
where represents the survival function of the non-cured individuals. We model
using a
piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard).
Covariates are incorporated through the PWE model.
curepwe.npp( formula, data.list, a0.lognc, lognc, breaks, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = 0, a0.upper = 1, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.npp( formula, data.list, a0.lognc, lognc, breaks, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = 0, a0.upper = 1, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates in
the PWE model. The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
a0.lognc |
a vector giving values of the power prior parameter for which the logarithm of the normalizing constant has been evaluated. |
lognc |
a vector giving the logarithm of the normalizing constant (as estimated by |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
logit.pcured.mean |
mean parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
logit.pcured.sd |
sd parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
a0.shape1 |
first shape parameter for the beta prior on the power prior parameter ( |
a0.shape2 |
second shape parameter for the beta prior on the power prior parameter ( |
a0.lower |
a scalar giving the lower bound for |
a0.upper |
a scalar giving the upper bound for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
Before using this function, users must estimate the logarithm of the normalizing constant across a
range of different values for the power prior parameter (), possibly smoothing techniques
over a find grid. The power prior parameters (
's) are treated as random with independent
beta priors. The initial priors on the regression coefficients are independent normal priors. The
current and historical data models are assumed to share the baseline hazard parameters with half-normal
priors. Additionally, a normal prior is specified for the logit of the cure fraction
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::curepwe.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], breaks = breaks, a0 = a0, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list', 'breaks')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior curepwe.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, breaks = breaks, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) } }
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::curepwe.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], breaks = breaks, a0 = a0, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list', 'breaks')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior curepwe.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, breaks = breaks, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the normalizing
constant of a standard cure rate (CurePWE) model under the NPP for a fixed value of the power prior
parameter for one data set. The initial priors are independent normal priors on the
regression coefficients and half-normal priors on the baseline hazard parameters. Additionally, a normal
prior is specified for the logit of the cure fraction
curepwe.npp.lognc( formula, histdata, breaks, a0, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.npp.lognc( formula, histdata, breaks, a0, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates in
the PWE model. The response is a survival object as returned by the |
histdata |
a |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
a0 |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the (fixed) power prior parameter for the historical data. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
logit.pcured.mean |
mean parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
logit.pcured.sd |
sd parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a vector giving the value of a0, the estimated logarithm of the normalizing constant, the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling, and the maximum Rhat.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1684[E1684$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.npp.lognc( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, histdata = E1684, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1684[E1684$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.npp.lognc( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, histdata = E1684, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a standard cure rate model using a normal/half-normal prior. The model
assumes that a fraction of the population is "cured", while the remaining
are susceptible
to the event of interest. The survival function for the entire population is given by:
where represents the survival function of the non-cured individuals. We model
using a
piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard).
Covariates are incorporated through the PWE model. This cure rate model is referred to as the CurePWE model.
curepwe.post( formula, data.list, breaks, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.post( formula, data.list, breaks, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates in
the PWE model. The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list consisting of one |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
logit.pcured.mean |
mean parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
logit.pcured.sd |
sd parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The priors on the regression coefficients in the PWE model are independent normal distributions. When the normal
priors are elicited with large variances, the prior is also referred to as the reference or vague prior. The
baseline hazard parameters of the PWE model are assumed to be independent of the regression coefficients with
half-normal priors. Additionally, a normal prior is specified for the logit of the cure fraction .
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a standard cure rate model (referred to as the CurePWE model)
using the power prior (PP) by Ibrahim and Chen (2000) doi:10.1214/ss/1009212673. The CurePWE model assumes
that a fraction of the population is "cured", while the remaining
are susceptible to
the event of interest. The survival function for the entire population is given by:
where represents the survival function of the non-cured individuals. We model
using a
piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard).
Covariates are incorporated through the PWE model.
curepwe.pp( formula, data.list, breaks, a0, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.pp( formula, data.list, breaks, a0, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates in
the PWE model. The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
a0 |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the (fixed) power prior parameter for the historical data. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
logit.pcured.mean |
mean parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
logit.pcured.sd |
sd parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The power prior parameters ('s) are treated as fixed. The initial priors on the regression coefficients
are independent normal priors. The current and historical data models are assumed to share the baseline hazard
parameters with half-normal priors. Additionally, a normal prior is specified for the logit of the cure fraction
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Chen, M.-H. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2000). Power prior distributions for Regression Models. Statistical Science, 15(1).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a standard cure rate model (referred to as the CurePWE model)
using the power prior (PP) within predefined strata. If the strata and power prior parameters ('s) are
determined based on propensity scores, this function can be used to sample from the posterior of a CurePWE model
under the propensity score-integrated power prior (PSIPP) by Wang et al. (2019) doi:10.1080/10543406.2019.1657133.
The CurePWE model assumes that a fraction
of the population is "cured", while the remaining
are susceptible to the event of interest. The survival function for the entire population is given by:
where represents the survival function of the non-cured individuals. We model
using a
piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard).
Covariates are incorporated through the PWE model.
curepwe.stratified.pp( formula, data.list, strata.list, breaks, a0.strata, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
curepwe.stratified.pp( formula, data.list, strata.list, breaks, a0.strata, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, logit.pcured.mean = NULL, logit.pcured.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates in
the PWE model. The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
strata.list |
a list of vectors specifying the stratum ID for each observation in the corresponding data set
in |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
a0.strata |
A scalar or a vector of fixed power prior parameters ( |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
logit.pcured.mean |
mean parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
logit.pcured.sd |
sd parameter for the normal prior on the logit of the cure fraction |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The power prior parameters ('s) are treated as fixed and must be provided for each stratum. Users must
also specify the stratum ID for each observation. Within each stratum, the initial priors on the regression
coefficients are independent normal priors, and the current and historical data models are assumed to share the
baseline hazard parameters with half-normal priors. Additionally, a normal prior is specified for the logit of
the cure fraction within each stratum.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Wang, C., Li, H., Chen, W.-C., Lu, N., Tiwari, R., Xu, Y., & Yue, L. Q. (2019). Propensity score-integrated power prior approach for incorporating real-world evidence in single-arm clinical studies. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(5), 731–748.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, breaks = breaks, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) curepwe.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, breaks = breaks, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), logit.pcured.mean = 0, logit.pcured.sd = 3, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
A data set from the ECOG E1684 trial comparing the high-dose interferon alfa-2b (IFN) therapy with the observation in resected high-risk melanoma patients. The study results were described in Kirkwood et al. (1996) doi:10.1200/JCO.1996.14.1.7.
A data frame with 262 rows and 8 variables:
time to relapse in years
censoring indicator for time to relapse, 0 = did not relapse, 1 = relapsed
time to death in years
censoring indicator for time to death, 0 = alive, 1 = dead
treatment indicator, 0 = observation, 1 = high-dose IFN
gender indicator, 0 = male, 1 = female
patient age in years
indicator for having more than one cancerous lymph node, 0 = with one or no cancerous lymph nodes, 1 = with more than one cancerous lymph node
Kirkwood, J. M., Strawderman, M. H., Ernstoff, M. S., Smith, T. J., Borden, E. C., and Blum, R. H. (1996). Interferon alfa-2b adjuvant therapy of high-risk resected cutaneous melanoma: The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group trial EST 1684. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 14(1), 7–17.
A data set from the ECOG E1690 trial evaluating the effectiveness of the interferon alfa-2b (IFN) therapy compared to the observation in high-risk melanoma patients. There were three arms in the trial: high-dose IFN, low-dose IFN, and observation. The study results were described in Kirkwood et al. (2000) doi:10.1200/JCO.2000.18.12.2444. Here, we only consider the high-dose IFN arm and the observation arm so that this data set has the same variables as the E1684 data set. We can use the E1684 data as the historical data and the E1690 data as the current data.
A data frame with 426 rows and 8 variables:
time to relapse in years
censoring indicator for time to relapse, 0 = did not relapse, 1 = relapsed
time to death in years
censoring indicator for time to death, 0 = alive, 1 = dead
treatment indicator, 0 = observation, 1 = high-dose IFN
gender indicator, 0 = male, 1 = female
patient age in years
indicator for having more than one cancerous lymph node, 0 = with one or no cancerous lymph nodes, 1 = with more than one cancerous lymph node
Kirkwood, J. M., Ibrahim, J. G., Sondak, V. K., Richards, J., Flaherty, L. E., Ernstoff, M. S., Smith, T. J., Rao, U., Steele, M., and Blum, R. H. (2000). High- and low-dose interferon alfa-2b in high-risk melanoma: First analysis of intergroup trial E1690/S9111/C9190. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 18(12), 2444–2458.
A data set from the ECOG E1694 trial comparing the GM2-KLH/QS-21 (GMK) vaccine with high-dose interferon alfa-2b (IFN) therapy in resected high-risk melanoma patients. The study results were described in Kirkwood et al. (2001) doi:10.1200/JCO.2001.19.9.2370. This data set only includes patients without nodal metastasis and has the same variables as the E2696 data set. We can use the E2696 data as the historical data and the E1694 data as the current data.
A data frame with 200 rows and 6 variables:
relapse-free survival (RFS) times (in months)
relapse indicator, 0 = right censored, 1 = relapse
treatment indicator, 0 = GMK, 1 = IFN
gender indicator, 0 = male, 1 = female
patient age in years
ECOG performance status indicator, 0 = fully active patient, able to carry on all pre-disease performance without restriction, 1 = restricted in physically strenuous activity, but are ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature
Kirkwood, J. M., Ibrahim, J. G., Sosman, J. A., Sondak, V. K., Agarwala, S. S., Ernstoff, M. S., and Rao, U. (2001). High-dose interferon alfa-2b significantly prolongs relapse-free and overall survival compared with the GM2-KLH/QS-21 vaccine in patients with resected stage IIB-III melanoma: Results of intergroup trial E1694/S9512/C509801. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19(9), 2370–2380.
A data set from the ECOG E2696 trial comparing the combination of the GM2-KLH/QS-21 (GMK) vaccine and high-dose interferon alfa-2b (IFN) therapy with the GMK vaccine alone in resected high-risk melanoma patients. The study results were described in Kirkwood et al. (2001) doi:10.1200/JCO.2001.19.5.1430. This data set only includes patients without nodal metastasis.
A data frame with 105 rows and 6 variables:
relapse-free survival (RFS) times (in months)
relapse indicator, 0 = right censored, 1 = relapse
treatment indicator, 0 = GMK, 1 = GMK and IFN
gender indicator, 0 = male, 1 = female
patient age in years
ECOG performance status indicator, 0 = fully active patient, able to carry on all pre-disease performance without restriction, 1 = restricted in physically strenuous activity, but are ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature
Kirkwood, J. M., Ibrahim, J., Lawson, D. H., Atkins, M. B., Agarwala, S. S., Collins, K., Mascari, R., Morrissey, D. M., and Chapman, P. B. (2001). High-dose interferon alfa-2b does not diminish antibody response to GM2 vaccination in patients with resected melanoma: Results of the multicenter eastern cooperative oncology group phase II trial E2696. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19(5), 1430–1436.
Sample from the posterior distribution of a GLM using the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM).
glm.bhm( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.bhm( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
family |
an object of class |
data.list |
a list of |
offset.list |
a list of vectors giving the offsets for each data. The length of |
meta.mean.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the means for the normal hyperpriors on the mean hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, |
meta.mean.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sds for the normal hyperpriors on the mean hyperparameters of regression coefficients. If
a scalar is provided, same as for |
meta.sd.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the means for the half-normal hyperpriors on the sd hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
meta.sd.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sds for the half-normal hyperpriors on the sd hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
disp.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of data sets (including the current
data) giving the location parameters for the half-normal priors on the dispersion parameters.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
disp.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of data sets (including the current
data) giving the scale parameters for the half-normal priors on the dispersion parameters. If a
scalar is provided, same as for |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) assumes that the regression coefficients for the historical and current data are different, but are correlated through a common distribution, whose hyperparameters (i.e., mean and standard deviation (sd) (the covariance matrix is assumed to have a diagonal structure)) are treated as random. The number of regression coefficients for the current data is assumed to be the same as that for the historical data.
The hyperpriors on the mean and the sd hyperparameters are independent normal and independent half-normal distributions, respectively. The priors on the dispersion parameters (if applicable) for the current and historical data sets are independent half-normal distributions.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) glm.bhm( formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4), family = binomial('logit'), data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) glm.bhm( formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4), family = binomial('logit'), data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a GLM using the commensurate prior (CP) by Hobbs et al. (2011) doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01564.x.
glm.commensurate( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, beta0.mean = NULL, beta0.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, p.spike = 0.1, spike.mean = 200, spike.sd = 0.1, slab.mean = 0, slab.sd = 5, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.commensurate( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, beta0.mean = NULL, beta0.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, p.spike = 0.1, spike.mean = 200, spike.sd = 0.1, slab.mean = 0, slab.sd = 5, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates |
family |
an object of class |
data.list |
a list of |
offset.list |
a list of vectors giving the offsets for each data. The length of |
beta0.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients
giving the mean parameters for the prior on the historical data regression coefficients. If a
scalar is provided, |
beta0.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the prior on the historical data regression coefficients. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
disp.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of data sets (including the current
data) giving the location parameters for the half-normal priors on the dispersion parameters.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
disp.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of data sets (including the current
data) giving the scale parameters for the half-normal priors on the dispersion parameters. If a
scalar is provided, same as for |
p.spike |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the probability of the spike component in spike-and-slab prior
on commensurability parameter |
spike.mean |
a scalar giving the location parameter for the half-normal prior (spike component) on |
spike.sd |
a scalar giving the scale parameter for the half-normal prior (spike component) on |
slab.mean |
a scalar giving the location parameter for the half-normal prior (slab component) on |
slab.sd |
a scalar giving the scale parameter for the half-normal prior (slab component) on |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The commensurate prior (CP) assumes that the regression coefficients for the current data conditional on those for
the historical data are independent normal distributions with mean equal to the corresponding regression coefficients
for the historical data and variance equal to the inverse of the corresponding elements of a vector of precision
parameters (referred to as the commensurability parameter ). We regard
as random and elicit
a spike-and-slab prior, which is specified as a mixture of two half-normal priors, on
The number of current data regression coefficients is assumed to be the same as that of historical data regression coefficients. The priors on the dispersion parameters (if applicable) for the current and historical data sets are independent half-normal distributions.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Hobbs, B. P., Carlin, B. P., Mandrekar, S. J., and Sargent, D. J. (2011). Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials. Biometrics, 67(3), 1047–1056.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) glm.commensurate( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson(), data.list = data_list, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) glm.commensurate( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson(), data.list = data_list, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a GLM using the latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) by Alt et al. (2024) doi:10.1093/biomtc/ujae083.
glm.leap( formula, family, data.list, K = 2, prob.conc = NULL, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, gamma.lower = 0, gamma.upper = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.leap( formula, family, data.list, K = 2, prob.conc = NULL, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, gamma.lower = 0, gamma.upper = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
family |
an object of class |
data.list |
a list of |
K |
the desired number of classes to identify. Defaults to 2. |
prob.conc |
a scalar or a vector of length |
offset.list |
a list of matrices giving the offset for current data followed by historical data. For each
matrix, the number of rows corresponds to observations and columns correspond to classes.
Defaults to a list of matrices of 0s. Note that the first element of |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a |
beta.sd |
a scalar or a |
disp.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of classes ( |
disp.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of classes ( |
gamma.lower |
a scalar giving the lower bound for probability of subjects in historical data being exchangeable with subjects in current data. Defaults to 0. |
gamma.upper |
a scalar giving the upper bound for probability of subjects in historical data being exchangeable with subjects in current data. Defaults to 1. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) discounts the historical data by identifying the most relevant individuals from the historical data. It is equivalent to a prior induced by the posterior of a finite mixture model for the historical data set.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Alt, E. M., Chang, X., Jiang, X., Liu, Q., Mo, M., Xia, H. M., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). LEAP: The latent exchangeability prior for borrowing information from historical data. Biometrics, 80(3).
data(actg019) data(actg036) # take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { glm.leap( formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4), family = binomial('logit'), data.list = list(actg019, actg036), K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
data(actg019) data(actg036) # take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { glm.leap( formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4), family = binomial('logit'), data.list = list(actg019, actg036), K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a GLM under the commensurate prior (CP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the commensurate prior. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the commensurate prior using historical data sets.
glm.logml.commensurate( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.logml.commensurate( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the commensurate prior (CP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the CP using historical
data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Hobbs, B. P., Carlin, B. P., Mandrekar, S. J., and Sargent, D. J. (2011). Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials. Biometrics, 67(3), 1047–1056.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson() data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) d.cp = glm.commensurate( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.commensurate( post.samples = d.cp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson() data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) d.cp = glm.commensurate( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.commensurate( post.samples = d.cp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a GLM under the latent exchangeability prior (LEAP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the LEAP. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the LEAP using historical data sets.
glm.logml.leap( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.logml.leap( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the
latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the
LEAP using historical data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Alt, E. M., Chang, X., Jiang, X., Liu, Q., Mo, M., Xia, H. M., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). LEAP: The latent exchangeability prior for borrowing information from historical data. Biometrics, 80(3).
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4) family = binomial('logit') data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) d.leap = glm.leap( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.leap( post.samples = d.leap, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4) family = binomial('logit') data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) d.leap = glm.leap( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.leap( post.samples = d.leap, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a GLM under the meta-analytic predictive (MAP) prior. The MAP prior is equivalent to the prior induced by the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the MAP prior. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the BHM using only historical data sets.
glm.logml.map( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.logml.map( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the meta-analytic predictive (MAP) prior
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the BHM using historical
data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4) family = binomial('logit') data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) d.bhm = glm.bhm( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.map( post.samples = d.bhm, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4) family = binomial('logit') data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) d.bhm = glm.bhm( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.map( post.samples = d.bhm, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a GLM under the normalized asymptotic power prior (NAPP).
glm.logml.napp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
glm.logml.napp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the normalized asymptotic power prior (NAPP)
Ibrahim, J. G., Chen, M., Gwon, Y., and Chen, F. (2015). The power prior: Theory and applications. Statistics in Medicine, 34(28), 3724–3749.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson('log') d.napp = glm.napp( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.napp( post.samples = d.napp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson('log') d.napp = glm.napp( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.napp( post.samples = d.napp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a GLM under the normalized power prior (NPP).
glm.logml.npp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
glm.logml.npp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the normalized power prior (NPP)
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] library(parallel) ncores = 2 data.list = list(data = actg019, histdata = actg036) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson() a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::glm.npp.lognc( formula = formula, family = family, a0 = a0, histdata = data.list[[2]], ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'family', 'data.list')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior d.npp = glm.npp( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data.list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = matrix(a0.lognc$lognc, ncol = 1), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) glm.logml.npp( post.samples = d.npp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] library(parallel) ncores = 2 data.list = list(data = actg019, histdata = actg036) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson() a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::glm.npp.lognc( formula = formula, family = family, a0 = a0, histdata = data.list[[2]], ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'family', 'data.list')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior d.npp = glm.npp( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data.list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = matrix(a0.lognc$lognc, ncol = 1), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) glm.logml.npp( post.samples = d.npp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a GLM under the normal/half-normal prior.
glm.logml.post(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
glm.logml.post(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the normal/half-normal prior
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] data.list = list(currdata = actg019) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson('log') d.post = glm.post( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data.list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.post( post.samples = d.post, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] data.list = list(currdata = actg019) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson('log') d.post = glm.post( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data.list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.post( post.samples = d.post, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a GLM under the power prior (PP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the power prior (PP). These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the PP using only historical data sets.
glm.logml.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.logml.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
If all of the power prior parameters ('s) are equal to zero, or if the posterior samples are obtained from using only
one data set (the current data), then the function will return the same result as the output from
If at least one of the power prior parameters ('s) is non-zero, the function will return a
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the power prior (PP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the PP using historical
data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Chen, M.-H. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2000). Power prior distributions for Regression Models. Statistical Science, 15(1).
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson('log') a0 = 0.5 d.pp = glm.pp( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, a0.vals = a0, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.pp( post.samples = d.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson('log') a0 = 0.5 d.pp = glm.pp( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data_list, a0.vals = a0, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) glm.logml.pp( post.samples = d.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a GLM using the normalized asymptotic power prior (NAPP) by Ibrahim et al. (2015) doi:10.1002/sim.6728.
glm.napp( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.napp( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
family |
an object of class |
data.list |
a list of |
offset.list |
a list of vectors giving the offsets for each data. The length of |
a0.shape1 |
first shape parameter for the i.i.d. beta prior on a0 vector. When |
a0.shape2 |
second shape parameter for the i.i.d. beta prior on a0 vector. When |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The normalized asymptotic power prior (NAPP) assumes that the regression coefficients and logarithm of the
dispersion parameter are a multivariate normal distribution with mean equal to the maximum likelihood
estimate of the historical data and covariance matrix equal to multiplied by the inverse Fisher
information matrix of the historical data, where
is the power prior parameter (treated as random).
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Ibrahim, J. G., Chen, M., Gwon, Y., and Chen, F. (2015). The power prior: Theory and applications. Statistics in Medicine, 34(28), 3724–3749.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) glm.napp( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson('log'), data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) glm.napp( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson('log'), data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a GLM using the normalized power prior (NPP) by Duan et al. (2006) doi:10.1002/env.752.
glm.npp( formula, family, data.list, a0.lognc, lognc, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = NULL, a0.upper = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.npp( formula, family, data.list, a0.lognc, lognc, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = NULL, a0.upper = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
family |
an object of class |
data.list |
a list of |
a0.lognc |
a vector giving values of the power prior parameter for which the logarithm of the normalizing constant has been evaluated. |
lognc |
an S by T matrix where S is the length of |
offset.list |
a list of vectors giving the offsets for each data. The length of |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
disp.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on dispersion parameter. Defaults to 0. |
disp.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on dispersion parameter. Defaults to 10. |
a0.shape1 |
first shape parameter for the i.i.d. beta prior on |
a0.shape2 |
second shape parameter for the i.i.d. beta prior on |
a0.lower |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of historical data sets giving the
lower bounds for each element of the |
a0.upper |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of historical data sets giving the
upper bounds for each element of the |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
Before using this function, users must estimate the logarithm of the normalizing constant across a
range of different values for the power prior parameter (), possibly smoothing techniques
over a find grid. The power prior parameters (
's) are treated as random with independent
beta priors. The initial priors on the regression coefficients are independent normal priors. The
current and historical data sets are assumed to have a common dispersion parameter with a
half-normal prior (if applicable). For normal linear models, the exact normalizing constants for
NPP can be computed. See the implementation in
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] library(parallel) ncores = 2 data.list = list(data = actg019, histdata = actg036) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson() a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::glm.npp.lognc( formula = formula, family = family, a0 = a0, histdata = data.list[[2]], ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'family', 'data.list')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior glm.npp( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data.list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = matrix(a0.lognc$lognc, ncol = 1), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) } }
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] library(parallel) ncores = 2 data.list = list(data = actg019, histdata = actg036) formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race family = poisson() a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::glm.npp.lognc( formula = formula, family = family, a0 = a0, histdata = data.list[[2]], ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'family', 'data.list')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior glm.npp( formula = formula, family = family, data.list = data.list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = matrix(a0.lognc$lognc, ncol = 1), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the normalizing
constant for the NPP for a fixed value of the power prior parameter for one data
set. The initial priors are independent normal priors on the regression coefficients and a half-normal
prior on the dispersion parameter (if applicable).
glm.npp.lognc( formula, family, histdata, a0, offset0 = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.npp.lognc( formula, family, histdata, a0, offset0 = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
family |
an object of class |
histdata |
a |
a0 |
the power prior parameter (a scalar between 0 and 1). |
offset0 |
vector whose dimension is equal to the rows of the historical data set giving an offset for the historical data. Defaults to a vector of 0s. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving the mean parameters for the normal initial prior on regression coefficients given the dispersion parameter. If a scalar is provided, beta.mean will be a vector of repeated elements of the given scalar. Defaults to a vector of 0s. |
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. The sd used is
disp.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on dispersion parameter. Defaults to 0. |
disp.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on dispersion parameter. Defaults to 10. |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a vector giving the value of a0, the estimated logarithm of the normalizing constant, the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling, and the maximum Rhat.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] glm.npp.lognc( cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson(), histdata = actg036, a0 = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 5000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] glm.npp.lognc( cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson(), histdata = actg036, a0 = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 5000 ) }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a GLM using a normal/half-normal prior.
glm.post( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.post( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
family |
an object of class |
data.list |
a list consisting of one |
offset.list |
a list consisting of one vector giving the offset for the current data. The length of
the vector is equal to the number of rows in the current data. The vector has all values
set to 0 by default. If |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the normal prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the normal prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
disp.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on dispersion parameter. Defaults to 0. If
disp.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on dispersion parameter. Defaults to 10. If
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The priors on the regression coefficients are independent normal distributions. When the normal priors are elicited with large variances, the prior is also referred to as the reference or vague prior. The dispersion parameter is assumed to be independent of the regression coefficients with a half-normal prior (if applicable).
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] data.list = list(currdata = actg019) glm.post( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson('log'), data.list = data.list, beta.sd = 10, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] data.list = list(currdata = actg019) glm.post( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson('log'), data.list = data.list, beta.sd = 10, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a GLM using the power prior (PP) by Ibrahim and Chen (2000) doi:10.1214/ss/1009212673.
glm.pp( formula, family, data.list, a0.vals, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.pp( formula, family, data.list, a0.vals, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
family |
an object of class |
data.list |
a list of |
a0.vals |
a scalar between 0 and 1 or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of historical
data sets giving the (fixed) power prior parameter for each historical data set. Each element of
vector should be between 0 and 1. If a scalar is provided, same as for |
offset.list |
a list of vectors giving the offsets for each data. The length of |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
disp.mean |
location parameter for the half-normal prior on dispersion parameter. Defaults to 0. |
disp.sd |
scale parameter for the half-normal prior on dispersion parameter. Defaults to 10. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The power prior parameters ('s) are treated as fixed. The initial priors on the regression coefficients
are independent normal priors. The current and historical data sets are assumed to have a common dispersion parameter
with a half-normal prior (if applicable).
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Chen, M.-H. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2000). Power prior distributions for Regression Models. Statistical Science, 15(1).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) glm.pp( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson('log'), data.list = data_list, a0.vals = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:100, ] actg036 = actg036[1:50, ] data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) glm.pp( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, family = poisson('log'), data.list = data_list, a0.vals = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a GLM using the robust meta-analytic predictive prior (RMAP) by Schmidli et al. (2014) doi:10.1111/biom.12242.
glm.rmap( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, w = 0.1, meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, norm.vague.mean = NULL, norm.vague.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
glm.rmap( formula, family, data.list, offset.list = NULL, w = 0.1, meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, disp.mean = NULL, disp.sd = NULL, norm.vague.mean = NULL, norm.vague.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
family |
an object of class |
data.list |
a list of |
offset.list |
a list of vectors giving the offsets for each data. The length of |
w |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving how much weight to put on the historical data. Defaults to 0.1. |
meta.mean.mean |
same as |
meta.mean.sd |
same as |
meta.sd.mean |
same as |
meta.sd.sd |
same as |
disp.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of data sets (including the current
data) giving the location parameters for the half-normal priors on the dispersion parameters. If
a scalar is provided, same as for |
disp.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of data sets (including the current
data) giving the scale parameters for the half-normal priors on the dispersion parameters. If a
scalar is provided, same as for |
norm.vague.mean |
same as |
norm.vague.sd |
same as |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The robust meta-analytic predictive prior (RMAP) is a two-part mixture prior consisting of a meta-analytic predictive (MAP) prior (the prior induced by Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM)) and a vague (i.e., non-informative) prior (specifically, the normal/half-normal prior with large variances). Although Schmidli et al. (2014) recommends to use a finite mixture of conjugate priors to approximate the BHM, it can be difficult and time-consuming to come up with an appropriate approximation.
Instead, the approach taken by hdbayes is to use the marginal likelihood of the MAP and vague priors. Specifically, note that the posterior distribution of a GLM under RMAP is also a two-part mixture distribution. The updated mixture weight for posterior density under the MAP prior is
where is the prior mixture weight for the MAP prior in RMAP,
is the marginal likelihood
of the MAP prior, and
is the marginal likelihood of the vague prior.
The function returns a list
with the following objects
an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples under the robust meta-analytic predictive prior (RMAP)
an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples under the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM),
obtained from using glm.bhm()
an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples under the vague/non-informative prior, obtained
from using glm.post()
output from computing log marginal likelihood of the prior induced by the BHM (referred to as the meta-analytic predictive
(MAP) prior) via glm.logml.map()
output from computing log marginal likelihood of the vague prior via glm.logml.post()
Schmidli, H., Gsteiger, S., Roychoudhury, S., O’Hagan, A., Spiegelhalter, D., and Neuenschwander, B. (2014). Robust meta‐analytic‐predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information. Biometrics, 70(4), 1023–1032.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) ## current data data(actg036) ## historical data ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:150, ] actg036 = actg036[1:100, ] data.list = list(actg019, actg036) glm.rmap( formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4), family = binomial('logit'), data.list = data.list, w = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) ## current data data(actg036) ## historical data ## take subset for speed purposes actg019 = actg019[1:150, ] actg036 = actg036[1:100, ] data.list = list(actg019, actg036) glm.rmap( formula = outcome ~ scale(age) + race + treatment + scale(cd4), family = binomial('logit'), data.list = data.list, w = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) }
A data set from the IBCSG Trial VI investigating both the duration of adjuvant chemotherapy
(3 versus 6 initial cycles of oral cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil (CMF)) and
the reintroduction of single courses of delayed chemotherapy in node-positive premenopausal
breast cancer patients. The study results were described by IBCSG (1996) doi:10.1200/JCO.1996.14.6.1885
and Hürny et al. (1992) doi:10.1016/0959-8049(92)90399-m. This data set only includes patients
above the age of 40 (i.e., age 40) and treats the measurements of patients' physical well-being
on month 18 as the outcome. The IBCSG_hist data set includes patients from the same study but
with age < 40. We can use the IBCSG_hist data as the historical data and the IBCSG_curr data as
the current data.
A data frame with 488 rows and 8 variables:
outcome variable, integer scores between 0 and 100 measuring the patients' physical well-being on month 18, with a higher score indicating a better physical well-being
physical well-being scores assessed at the start of the study
number of initial cycles of CMF, equal to 3 or 6
indicator of reintroduction of chemotherapy, 0 = no reintroduction, 1 = having reintroduction
patient age in years
country, ANZ = New Zealand/Australia, CH = Switzerland, SWED = Sweden
indicator of number of positive nodes being greater than or equal to 4, 0 = less than 4, 1 = 4+
estrogen receptor (ER) status indicator, 0 = negative, 1 = positive
International Breast Cancer Study Group. (1996). Duration and reintroduction of adjuvant chemotherapy for node-positive premenopausal breast cancer patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 14(6), 1885–1894.
Hürny, C., Bernhard, J., Gelber, R. D., Coates, A., Castiglione, M., Isley, M., Dreher, D., Peterson, H., Goldhirsch, A., and Senn, H.-J. (1992). Quality of life measures for patients receiving adjuvant therapy for breast cancer: An international trial. European Journal of Cancer, 28(1), 118–124.
Chi, Y.-Y. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2005). Joint models for multivariate longitudinal and Multivariate Survival Data. Biometrics, 62(2), 432–445.
A data set from the IBCSG Trial VI investigating both the duration of adjuvant chemotherapy
(3 versus 6 initial cycles of oral cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil (CMF)) and
the reintroduction of single courses of delayed chemotherapy in node-positive premenopausal
breast cancer patients. The study results were described by IBCSG (1996) doi:10.1200/JCO.1996.14.6.1885
and Hürny et al. (1992) doi:10.1016/0959-8049(92)90399-m. This data set only includes patients
under the age of 40 (i.e., age < 40) and treats the measurements of patients' physical well-being
on month 18 as the outcome. The IBCSG_curr data set includes patients from the same study but
with age 40. We can use the IBCSG_hist data as the historical data and the IBCSG_curr data as
the current data.
A data frame with 103 rows and 8 variables:
outcome variable, integer scores between 0 and 100 measuring the patients' physical well-being on month 18, with a higher score indicating a better physical well-being
physical well-being scores assessed at the start of the study
number of initial cycles of CMF, equal to 3 or 6
indicator of reintroduction of chemotherapy, 0 = no reintroduction, 1 = having reintroduction
patient age in years
country, ANZ = New Zealand/Australia, CH = Switzerland, SWED = Sweden
indicator of number of positive nodes being greater than or equal to 4, 0 = less than 4, 1 = 4+
estrogen receptor (ER) status indicator, 0 = negative, 1 = positive
International Breast Cancer Study Group. (1996). Duration and reintroduction of adjuvant chemotherapy for node-positive premenopausal breast cancer patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 14(6), 1885–1894.
Hürny, C., Bernhard, J., Gelber, R. D., Coates, A., Castiglione, M., Isley, M., Dreher, D., Peterson, H., Goldhirsch, A., and Senn, H.-J. (1992). Quality of life measures for patients receiving adjuvant therapy for breast cancer: An international trial. European Journal of Cancer, 28(1), 118–124.
Chi, Y.-Y. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2005). Joint models for multivariate longitudinal and Multivariate Survival Data. Biometrics, 62(2), 432–445.
Sample from the posterior distribution of a normal linear model using the NPP by Duan et al. (2006) doi:10.1002/env.752.
The power prior parameters ('s) are treated as random with independent beta priors. The current and historical
data sets are assumed to have a common dispersion parameter (
) with an inverse-gamma prior. Conditional on
, the initial priors on the regression coefficients are independent normal distributions with variance
. In this case, the normalizing constant for the NPP has a closed form.
lm.npp( formula, data.list, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, sigmasq.shape = 2.1, sigmasq.scale = 1.1, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = NULL, a0.upper = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
lm.npp( formula, data.list, offset.list = NULL, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, sigmasq.shape = 2.1, sigmasq.scale = 1.1, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = NULL, a0.upper = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates. |
data.list |
a list of |
offset.list |
a list of vectors giving the offsets for each data. The length of offset.list is equal to the length of data.list. The length of each element of offset.list is equal to the number of rows in the corresponding element of data.list. Defaults to a list of vectors of 0s. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided, beta.mean will be a vector of repeated elements of the given scalar. Defaults to a vector of 0s. |
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients. Conditional on the variance parameter sigmasq for the outcome, beta.sd * sqrt(sigmasq) gives the sd for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided, same as for beta.mean. Defaults to a vector of 10s. |
sigmasq.shape |
shape parameter for inverse-gamma prior on variance parameter. Defaults to 2.1. |
sigmasq.scale |
scale parameter for inverse-gamma prior on variance parameter. Defaults to 1.1. |
a0.shape1 |
first shape parameter for the i.i.d. beta prior on a0 vector. When |
a0.shape2 |
second shape parameter for the i.i.d. beta prior on a0 vector. When |
a0.lower |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of historical data sets giving the lower bounds for each element of the a0 vector. If a scalar is provided, a0.lower will be a vector of repeated elements of the given scalar. Defaults to a vector of 0s. |
a0.upper |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of historical data sets giving the upper bounds for each element of the a0 vector. If a scalar is provided, same as for a0.lower. Defaults to a vector of 1s. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples.
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) lm.npp( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { data(actg019) data(actg036) data_list = list(currdata = actg019, histdata = actg036) lm.npp( formula = cd4 ~ treatment + age + race, data.list = data_list, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard) using the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM).
pwe.bhm( formula, data.list, breaks, meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.bhm( formula, data.list, breaks, meta.mean.mean = NULL, meta.mean.sd = NULL, meta.sd.mean = NULL, meta.sd.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
meta.mean.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the means for the normal hyperpriors on the mean hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, |
meta.mean.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sds for the normal hyperpriors on the mean hyperparameters of regression coefficients. If
a scalar is provided, same as for |
meta.sd.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the means for the half-normal hyperpriors on the sd hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
meta.sd.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sds for the half-normal hyperpriors on the sd hyperparameters of regression coefficients.
If a scalar is provided, same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) assumes that the regression coefficients for the historical and current data are different, but are correlated through a common distribution, whose hyperparameters (i.e., mean and standard deviation (sd) (the covariance matrix is assumed to have a diagonal structure)) are treated as random. The number of regression coefficients for the current data is assumed to be the same as that for the historical data.
The hyperpriors on the mean and the sd hyperparameters are independent normal and independent half-normal distributions, respectively. The baseline hazard parameters for both current and historical data models are assumed to be independent and identically distributed, each assigned a half-normal prior.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard) using the commensurate prior (CP) by Hobbs et al. (2011) doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01564.x.
pwe.commensurate( formula, data.list, breaks, beta0.mean = NULL, beta0.sd = NULL, p.spike = 0.1, spike.mean = 200, spike.sd = 0.1, slab.mean = 0, slab.sd = 5, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.commensurate( formula, data.list, breaks, beta0.mean = NULL, beta0.sd = NULL, p.spike = 0.1, spike.mean = 200, spike.sd = 0.1, slab.mean = 0, slab.sd = 5, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
beta0.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients
giving the mean parameters for the prior on the historical data regression coefficients. If a
scalar is provided, |
beta0.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the prior on the historical data regression coefficients. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
p.spike |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the probability of the spike component in spike-and-slab prior
on commensurability parameter |
spike.mean |
a scalar giving the location parameter for the half-normal prior (spike component) on |
spike.sd |
a scalar giving the scale parameter for the half-normal prior (spike component) on |
slab.mean |
a scalar giving the location parameter for the half-normal prior (slab component) on |
slab.sd |
a scalar giving the scale parameter for the half-normal prior (slab component) on |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The commensurate prior (CP) assumes that the regression coefficients for the current data model conditional on those
for the historical data model are independent normal distributions with mean equal to the corresponding regression
coefficients for the historical data and variance equal to the inverse of the corresponding elements of a vector of
precision parameters (referred to as the commensurability parameter ). We regard
as random and elicit
a spike-and-slab prior, which is specified as a mixture of two half-normal priors, on
The number of current data regression coefficients is assumed to be the same as that of historical data regression coefficients. The baseline hazard parameters for both current and historical data models are assumed to be independent and identically distributed, each assigned a half-normal prior.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Hobbs, B. P., Carlin, B. P., Mandrekar, S. J., and Sargent, D. J. (2011). Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials. Biometrics, 67(3), 1047–1056.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard) using the latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) by Alt et al. (2024) doi:10.1093/biomtc/ujae083.
pwe.leap( formula, data.list, breaks, K = 2, prob.conc = NULL, gamma.lower = 0, gamma.upper = 1, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.leap( formula, data.list, breaks, K = 2, prob.conc = NULL, gamma.lower = 0, gamma.upper = 1, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
K |
the desired number of classes to identify. Defaults to 2. |
prob.conc |
a scalar or a vector of length |
gamma.lower |
a scalar giving the lower bound for probability of subjects in historical data being exchangeable with subjects in current data. Defaults to 0. |
gamma.upper |
a scalar giving the upper bound for probability of subjects in historical data being exchangeable with subjects in current data. Defaults to 1. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) discounts the historical data by identifying the most relevant individuals from the historical data. It is equivalent to a prior induced by the posterior of a finite mixture model for the historical data set.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Alt, E. M., Chang, X., Jiang, X., Liu, Q., Mo, M., Xia, H. M., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). LEAP: The latent exchangeability prior for borrowing information from historical data. Biometrics, 80(3).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a PWE model under the commensurate prior (CP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the commensurate prior. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the commensurate prior using historical data sets.
pwe.logml.commensurate( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.logml.commensurate( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the commensurate prior (CP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the CP using historical
data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Hobbs, B. P., Carlin, B. P., Mandrekar, S. J., and Sargent, D. J. (2011). Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials. Biometrics, 67(3), 1047–1056.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.cp = pwe.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.commensurate( post.samples = d.cp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.cp = pwe.commensurate( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, p.spike = 0.1, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.commensurate( post.samples = d.cp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a PWE model under the latent exchangeability prior (LEAP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the LEAP. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the LEAP using historical data sets.
pwe.logml.leap( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.logml.leap( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the
latent exchangeability prior (LEAP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the
LEAP using historical data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Alt, E. M., Chang, X., Jiang, X., Liu, Q., Mo, M., Xia, H. M., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). LEAP: The latent exchangeability prior for borrowing information from historical data. Biometrics, 80(3).
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.leap = pwe.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.leap( post.samples = d.leap, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.leap = pwe.leap( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, K = 2, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.leap( post.samples = d.leap, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a PWE model under the meta-analytic predictive (MAP) prior. The MAP prior is equivalent to the prior induced by the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the MAP prior. These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the MAP prior using only historical data set.
pwe.logml.map( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.logml.map( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the BHM using historical
data set
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.bhm = pwe.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.map( post.samples = d.bhm, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.bhm = pwe.bhm( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.map( post.samples = d.bhm, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a PWE model under the normalized power prior (NPP).
pwe.logml.npp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
pwe.logml.npp(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the normalized power prior (NPP)
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::pwe.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], breaks = breaks, a0 = a0, ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list', 'breaks')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior d.npp = pwe.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) pwe.logml.npp( post.samples = d.npp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::pwe.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], breaks = breaks, a0 = a0, ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list', 'breaks')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior d.npp = pwe.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) pwe.logml.npp( post.samples = d.npp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
Uses bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a PWE model under the normal/half-normal prior.
pwe.logml.post(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
pwe.logml.post(post.samples, bridge.args = NULL)
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of the PWE model under the normal/half-normal prior
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.post = pwe.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.post( post.samples = d.post, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.post = pwe.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.post( post.samples = d.post, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE) ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a PWE model under the power prior (PP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the power prior (PP). These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the PP using only historical data set.
pwe.logml.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.logml.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
If the power prior parameter () is equal to zero, then the function will return the same result as the output
If the power prior parameters () is non-zero, the function will return a
with the following objects
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the power prior (PP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the PP using historical
data set
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Chen, M.-H. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2000). Power prior distributions for Regression Models. Statistical Science, 15(1).
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.pp = pwe.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.pp( post.samples = d.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.pp = pwe.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.pp( post.samples = d.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood of a PWE model under the stratified power prior (PP).
The arguments related to MCMC sampling are utilized to draw samples from the stratified power prior (PP). These samples are then used to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified PP using only historical data sets.
pwe.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
post.samples |
output from |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a list
with the following objects
"Stratified PP"
the estimated logarithm of the marginal likelihood
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using bridgesampling::bridge_sampler()
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified power prior (PP) using all data sets
an object of class bridge
or bridge_list
containing the output from using
to compute the logarithm of the normalizing constant of the stratified PP using
historical data sets
the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling
the maximum Rhat
Wang, C., Li, H., Chen, W.-C., Lu, N., Tiwari, R., Xu, Y., & Yue, L. Q. (2019). Propensity score-integrated power prior approach for incorporating real-world evidence in single-arm clinical studies. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(5), 731–748.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.stratified.pp = pwe.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, breaks = breaks, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples = d.stratified.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) d.stratified.pp = pwe.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, breaks = breaks, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) pwe.logml.stratified.pp( post.samples = d.stratified.pp, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a piecewise exponential (PWE) model using the normalized power prior (NPP) by Duan et al. (2006) doi:10.1002/env.752.
pwe.npp( formula, data.list, a0.lognc, lognc, breaks, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = 0, a0.upper = 1, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.npp( formula, data.list, a0.lognc, lognc, breaks, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, a0.shape1 = 1, a0.shape2 = 1, a0.lower = 0, a0.upper = 1, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
a0.lognc |
a vector giving values of the power prior parameter for which the logarithm of the normalizing constant has been evaluated. |
lognc |
a vector giving the logarithm of the normalizing constant (as estimated by |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
a0.shape1 |
first shape parameter for the beta prior on the power prior parameter ( |
a0.shape2 |
second shape parameter for the beta prior on the power prior parameter ( |
a0.lower |
a scalar giving the lower bound for |
a0.upper |
a scalar giving the upper bound for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
Before using this function, users must estimate the logarithm of the normalizing constant across a
range of different values for the power prior parameter (), possibly smoothing techniques
over a find grid. The power prior parameters (
's) are treated as random with independent
beta priors. The initial priors on the regression coefficients are independent normal priors. The
current and historical data models are assumed to share the baseline hazard parameters with
half-normal priors.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Duan, Y., Ye, K., and Smith, E. P. (2005). Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information. Environmetrics, 17(1), 95–106.
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::pwe.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], breaks = breaks, a0 = a0, ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list', 'breaks')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior pwe.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) } }
if(requireNamespace("parallel")){ library(parallel) ncores = 2 if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin } a0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11) if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { ## call created function ## wrapper to obtain log normalizing constant in parallel package logncfun = function(a0, ...){ hdbayes::pwe.npp.lognc( formula = formula, histdata = data_list[[2]], breaks = breaks, a0 = a0, ... ) } cl = makeCluster(ncores) clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('formula', 'data_list', 'breaks')) a0.lognc = parLapply( cl = cl, X = a0, fun = logncfun, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 1, refresh = 0 ) stopCluster(cl) a0.lognc = data.frame( do.call(rbind, a0.lognc) ) ## sample from normalized power prior pwe.npp( formula = formula, data.list = data_list, a0.lognc = a0.lognc$a0, lognc = a0.lognc$lognc, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000, refresh = 0 ) } }
Uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and bridge sampling to estimate the logarithm of the normalizing
constant of a piecewise exponential (PWE) model under the NPP for a fixed value of the power prior
parameter for one data set. The initial priors are independent normal priors on
the regression coefficients and half-normal priors on the baseline hazard parameters.
pwe.npp.lognc( formula, histdata, breaks, a0, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.npp.lognc( formula, histdata, breaks, a0, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, bridge.args = NULL, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
histdata |
a |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
a0 |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the (fixed) power prior parameter for the historical data. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
bridge.args |
a |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The function returns a vector giving the value of a0, the estimated logarithm of the normalizing constant, the minimum estimated bulk effective sample size of the MCMC sampling, and the maximum Rhat.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). bridgesampling: An r package for estimating normalizing constants. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(10).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1684[E1684$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.npp.lognc( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, histdata = E1684, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1684[E1684$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.npp.lognc( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, histdata = E1684, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, bridge.args = list(silent = TRUE), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard) using a normal/half-normal prior.
pwe.post( formula, data.list, breaks, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.post( formula, data.list, breaks, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list consisting of one |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The priors on the regression coefficients are independent normal distributions. When the normal priors are elicited with large variances, the prior is also referred to as the reference or vague prior. The baseline hazard parameters are assumed to be independent of the regression coefficients with half-normal priors.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1690 = E1690[1:100, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.post( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model with a piecewise constant baseline hazard) using the power prior (PP) by Ibrahim and Chen (2000) doi:10.1214/ss/1009212673.
pwe.pp( formula, data.list, breaks, a0, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.pp( formula, data.list, breaks, a0, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
a0 |
a scalar between 0 and 1 giving the (fixed) power prior parameter for the historical data. |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The power prior parameters ('s) are treated as fixed. The initial priors on the regression coefficients
are independent normal priors. The current and historical data models are assumed to share the baseline hazard
parameters with half-normal priors.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Chen, M.-H. and Ibrahim, J. G. (2000). Power prior distributions for Regression Models. Statistical Science, 15(1).
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1684$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1684$age)) E1690$cage = as.numeric(scale(E1690$age)) data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment + sex + cage + node_bin, data.list = data_list, breaks = breaks, a0 = 0.5, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
Sample from the posterior distribution of a piecewise exponential (PWE) model (i.e., a proportional hazards model
with a piecewise constant baseline hazard) using the power prior (PP) within predefined strata. If the strata and
power prior parameters ('s) are determined based on propensity scores, this function can be used to
sample from the posterior of a PWE model under the propensity score-integrated power prior (PSIPP) by Wang et al.
(2019) doi:10.1080/10543406.2019.1657133.
pwe.stratified.pp( formula, data.list, strata.list, breaks, a0.strata, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
pwe.stratified.pp( formula, data.list, strata.list, breaks, a0.strata, beta.mean = NULL, beta.sd = NULL, base.hazard.mean = NULL, base.hazard.sd = NULL, get.loglik = FALSE, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, chains = 4, ... )
formula |
a two-sided formula giving the relationship between the response variable and covariates.
The response is a survival object as returned by the |
data.list |
a list of |
strata.list |
a list of vectors specifying the stratum ID for each observation in the corresponding data set
in |
breaks |
a numeric vector specifying the time points that define the boundaries of the piecewise intervals. The values should be in ascending order, with the final value being greater than or equal to the maximum observed time. |
a0.strata |
A scalar or a vector of fixed power prior parameters ( |
beta.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the mean parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
beta.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of regression coefficients giving
the sd parameters for the initial prior on regression coefficients. If a scalar is provided,
same as for |
base.hazard.mean |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the location
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
base.hazard.sd |
a scalar or a vector whose dimension is equal to the number of intervals giving the scale
parameters for the half-normal priors on the baseline hazards of the PWE model. If a scalar is
provided, same as for |
get.loglik |
whether to generate log-likelihood matrix. Defaults to FALSE. |
iter_warmup |
number of warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
iter_sampling |
number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain. Defaults to 1000. See the argument |
chains |
number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 4. See the argument |
... |
arguments passed to |
The power prior parameters ('s) are treated as fixed and must be provided for each stratum. Users must
also specify the stratum ID for each observation. Within each stratum, the initial priors on the regression
coefficients are independent normal priors, and the current and historical data models are assumed to share the
baseline hazard parameters with half-normal priors.
The function returns an object of class draws_df
giving posterior samples, with an attribute called 'data' which includes
the list of variables specified in the data block of the Stan program.
Wang, C., Li, H., Chen, W.-C., Lu, N., Tiwari, R., Xu, Y., & Yue, L. Q. (2019). Propensity score-integrated power prior approach for incorporating real-world evidence in single-arm clinical studies. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(5), 731–748.
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, breaks = breaks, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }
if (instantiate::stan_cmdstan_exists()) { if(requireNamespace("survival")){ library(survival) data(E1684) data(E1690) ## take subset for speed purposes E1684 = E1684[1:100, ] E1690 = E1690[1:50, ] ## replace 0 failure times with 0.50 days E1684$failtime[E1684$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 E1690$failtime[E1690$failtime == 0] = 0.50/365.25 data_list = list(currdata = E1690, histdata = E1684) strata_list = list(rep(1:2, each = 25), rep(1:2, each = 50)) # Alternatively, we can determine the strata based on propensity scores # using the psrwe package, which is available on GitHub nbreaks = 3 probs = 1:nbreaks / nbreaks breaks = as.numeric( quantile(E1690[E1690$failcens==1, ]$failtime, probs = probs) ) breaks = c(0, breaks) breaks[length(breaks)] = max(10000, 1000 * breaks[length(breaks)]) pwe.stratified.pp( formula = survival::Surv(failtime, failcens) ~ treatment, data.list = data_list, strata.list = strata_list, breaks = breaks, a0.strata = c(0.3, 0.5), chains = 1, iter_warmup = 500, iter_sampling = 1000 ) } }